Services & Help

Carole’s Community Office provides the following services:

  • Assistance and Advocacy: We can help you locate services or programs you need and help you understand your rights under those programs.
  • Information and Public Relations: We can provide information about provincial government policies and legislation and their impacts in the community.
  • Supporting Community Events & Causes: We can help promote events and organizations in the community through our website, our regular eNewsletter, as well as the Community Office.
  • Congratulatory Certificates: Our office provides certificates and letters signed by the MLA for special birthdays, anniversaries and achievements.
  • Petitions: We can accept petitions for Carole to present to the Legislative Assembly. Click here for petition guidelines.
  • Free ID Project: Together with the Downtown Service Providers’ Committee and the UVic chapter of Pro Bono Students Canada, our office operates a twice-monthly clinic from October to March to help people in Victoria get their basic identification for free, with the fees covered by the project. Call our office for more information!
  • “Please Slow Down” Lawn Signs . The office is pleased to be able to provide “Kids Matter! Please slow down” corrogated plastic lawn signs free to residents of Victoria-Beacon Hill. Signs can be picked up from the community office during regular office hours.